Saturday, 14 June 2014

The Renovation

The house had to undergo some renovation, all the timber in the north-east part of the walls had to be changed and also we wanted a new roof - well, roof had to be done anyway, the trusses were a bit dodgy... and we didn't want to keep the cement tiles!
What we wanted was a thatch. And we didn't want water reed, so commonly used nowadays - we wanted traditional straw!
It took a few days, driving around villages and looking for a thatcher and hand cut straw - as machine cut straw is useless for thatching. Luckily, we have found a thatcher and renovator in one person, moreover, he was masonry stove specialist builder, so couldn't find any better! Neighbour in the village had timber for sale, which came from house built originally in 1916 - so we had the replacement for the walls, also our builder got hold of straw and the renovation has commenced.


  1. Blog po angielsku ale pozwolę sobie komentować po polsku.
    Przyznam że chata wygląda jak z bajki!

    1. Dzięki, konie też będą mieszkały podobnie :)
